Are ye madiens with your downcast eyes
Are ye madiens with your downcast eyes

are ye madiens with your downcast eyes

More important things to do, aren't there? V: I've not heard you speak much of your lost Hold lately.ī: Aye, well. M: Sir, I've never asked, whereabouts are you from? V: We're grateful for your help, Goreksson.ī: Oh, it takes more than raki and kazaki'dum to get rid of me. V: I was born in an insignificant hovel outside Senden. M: Oh, a Middenlander? Explains your foul temper. M: Used to have a saying, back in Baron Kriegar's personal guard: Don't cross a Middenlander, 'less you leave him dead. I think perhaps you have not applied the wisdom therein, Kruber. From what you told me, it's no wonder you left. S: And I've not spent enough blood to earn it? S: What will it take for you to trust me, Saltzpyre? I might have burned down Miragliano's Old Quarter as collection on a debt. But it is not what you give that concerns me, Fuegonasus, but what you yearn for. V: I fear that you are a slave to the flames, rather than the reverse. S: So if I understand correctly, the reason you let Saltzpyre hire you, was to enable your trip back home, to Ubersreik? But only a simpleton would trust a raging fire. And all the flinging cross the Grey Mountains. And don't forget that business on the Reik. S: But we're here, fighting, and hopefully causing daily fits of rage for Rasknitt and his cronies. S: Do you have another name, Kerillian? I've never heard you use it. K: I have many other names, and I shan't share them.


I've never understood why mayflies are so free with theirs.ī: Kruber's always talking about his past, Grimgi, but I know nothing about your family. #Are ye madiens with your downcast eyes free #Are ye madiens with your downcast eyes free.

Are ye madiens with your downcast eyes